Live Virtual Retreat

February 23, 24 & 25, 2024
No Travel Required!

““I can’t adequately express my appreciation for Nancy and this program. It is beautifully designed to enable me to experience the transformative impact of EFT in my personal life, to expertly incorporate EFT into my counseling practice, and to challenge me to develop myself and my business so that I am fully offering my gift to the world. It has been the most empowering professional development I have experienced in my 24-year career. As a mentor, she provides just that right balance of challenge and encouragement. Besides all that, she’s got a great sense of humour!”This is a great testimonial - want to keep it. ”

Gwen Wellington MSW, RSW, Certified Trauma Specialist

“Nancy shines as an EFT trainer, making EFT concepts clear and compehensible. EFT is a gentle way to shift old patterns and learning these techniques in Nancy’s classes is an emotionally transformational and joyful experience. I strongly recommend you take your Conscious EFT™ training from Nancy. Her teaching skills and therapeutic expertise are superb.”

Jane Buchan EFT Master Trainer specializing in Trauma Recovery

The DISCOVER Conscious EFT™ program is your FIRST STEP!

Since NeftTI launched in 2012, the awareness of the power of Conscious EFT™ has been growing leaps and bounds. Research studies support EFT as an empirically validated and evidence-based treatment offering safe, rapid, reliable and effective relief for symptoms of anxiety, phobias, depression, PTSD, pain and physical conditions, weight loss and performance enhancement in sports, business and academic learning.

Now Conscious EFT™ takes the effectiveness of EFT to a new level by embedding it within a research based post trauma growth framework focused on improvement in the client's current life experience, avoiding the re-traumatization that comes with bringing attention to unresolved traumas of the past.

Meet Your Conscious EFT™ Master Trainer

The National EFT Training Institute DISCOVER the POWER of Conscious EFT™ program is a fully certified Conscious EFT™ training. Nancy Forrester is a Conscious EFT™ Master Trainer of Trainers, highly sought after educator, successful and retired psychotherapist, speaker, and coach. Nancy offers Conscious EFT™ training, mentoring and certification through the National EFT Training Institute.

What is Conscious EFT™?

Conscious EFT™ is the process of safely and skillfully applying a phased approach to using EFT as a modality of transformation while being consciously aware and present to ourselves and our clients or patients. It is a fully developed transformational therapy/coaching framework integrating the EFT energy psychology modality within a trauma safe, systems informed, and neuroscience package.

Basic Principles of Conscious EFT

1) Everything is Energy.  The advancement of therapy and coaching must directly incorporate working with energy. 

2) Human beings experience energy through their bodies; emotion, sensation, imagery as well as through their mind and behaviour.  For safe and sustainable change, practitioners need to work safety and effectively with all these channels of experience.

3) Biological safety is the first priority for transformational change.  Human beings require a trustworthy container of physical and emotional safety to facilitate healing and growth. 

4) Being human means being in relationship, with ourselves, with others, with the world, with Source.  The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. We are created for connection. 

5) Adverse childhood experiences devoid of physical and emotional safety are the fundamental reasons for adult life stress.  

4) Working directly with past trauma experiences is dysregulating for both practitioner and client.  Rather than addressing trauma directly,  a methodical expansion of the client's current capacity to process information supports the body's natural ability to process past experiences. 

5) Learnings resulting from past experience can be unlearned.  The structure and functioning of the brain can be altered.

6) Who the practitioner IS energetically, the extent to which they have expanded their own capacity for joy, is the greatest asset they bring to their professional work. 

7) Academic credentials and certifications are not sufficient to hold a safe container for transformational change.  

8) As individuals grow their capacity for joy and connection today, they positively impact their families, friends, workplaces and communities.  Our world benefits from every tap they take.

What You’ll Learn


As soon as you register you’ll receive immediate access to the 6 part pre-training – to be completed before the Retreat. You’ll join for the live training and we’ll wrap the entire experience with 6 weeks of follow up support!

Pre-Training Self Study Program

Included is your digital workbook and complete 6 video training package in our online training portal. This training counts as prerequisite hours for your certification hours requirement. You will have lifetime access to these materials!

3-Day Virtual Retreat

You’ll receive your event digital manual and support worksheets that we will cover during our live Zoom event! You will take part in Break-Out Sessions with personal feedback. We have built in breaks for the care and feeding of yourself 

When you satisfy the criteria of 24 required training hours, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for Discover the POWER of Conscious EFT™.

Virtual Retreat Outine

Day 1:  Assessing the Current State of the Client Nervous System and Choosing Interventions to Support Safety and Stability. 

Day 2:  Releasing Stuck Energy in the Body, Mind and Behaviours

Day 3: Directing the Released Energy toward creating what's desired. 

Live Integration & Coaching Post-Event Support

We want to ensure you learn, retain and put your new skills to work right away. To help you do that included in your DISCOVER program are 3 group coaching calls following the Virtual Retreat. You will have the opportunity to practice and integrate your skills into your personal and professional life.

The NeftTi Community

Following your DISCOVER Virtual Retreat you’re invited to join the NeftTI Community. This is a very active and inspiring community for ongoing support, networking, referrals, collaborative partnerships, access to advanced training and much more.


“So great! In particular I appreciated naming the often unaware belief and internalized pressure around perfectionism and doing group tapping on performance anxiety to reduce that before starting practice sessions. I loved how Nancy normalized and celebrated making mistakes and taking in the support of the mentors. That helped my nervous system relax and then I could take in the learning more deeply. I really appreciate that the experiential learning was steeped in safety and support, and the thoughtfulness in scaffolding our learning so that by day 3 we were miraculously able to begin to apply the Conscious EFT model. I left feeling energized, inspired and excited to try this on my own.”

Faye, Regulated Mental Health Practitioner

“Working with Nancy shed incredible light on how I was living my life, running my business and how I could redirect my negative emotional response using EFT techniques. I was a non-believer in my past life but after seeing the results with EFT I am really living my life and growing my business with ease and grace and now have the tools to change my energy in a heartbeat!”

Odette Peek Impact Builder, Speaker, Coach, Author

Lifetime Access to the Modules!

    1. Download Your Agreement

    1. LESSON TITLE: Introduction to DISCOVER

    2. LESSON TITLE: Getting Started Video

    3. LESSON TITLE: The Energy and Conscious Frameworks

    1. The Framework of Conscious EFT™

    2. The History and Research Supporting EFT

    3. Bonus Material

    1. Stabilization: Bronze Standard Tapping Toolbox

    2. Demonstration of Bronze Tapping on the Acupressure Points

    3. Finger Tapping

    4. Tap and Talk Example: Julie Height Phobia

    5. Refusal Tapping: Nancy & the Chocolate Almonds

    6. Bonus Material

    1. Stabilization: Silver Standard Tapping Scripts

    2. Conscious EFT™ Silver Tapping Script for Stress

    3. Bonus Material

    1. Mindset and Principles

    2. Bonus Material

About this course

  • 31 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

The Benefits of Training in Conscious EFT™ for All Practitioners

  1. Create a life of personal and professional joy, freedom and abundance with less potential for burnout and vicarious trauma.
  2. Enhance professional fulfillment through an increased ability to facilitate safe, sustainable and permanent change for clients/patients.
  3. Experience increased satisfaction knowing that clients and patients are receiving the gold standard care they expect and deserve.
  4. Heal their own emotional wounds as they help others do the same.
  5. Learn and develop within a safe community of connection with ongoing personal and professional support.

We’d be honoured to have you DISCOVER Conscious EFT™

Get started today for $1000 CAD

Scholarship Opportunity

We have limited seats for individuals and/or organizations for the DISCOVER program. This opportunity is for people actively involved in volunteer or paid service work with vulnerable or underserved population. Active service work might include, but not limited to, teaching, counseling, therapy.

Scholarships are not available for individuals in private practice.

For details and to see if you’re a fit for the Scholarship Opportunity please contact our team at [email protected].

Who should attend?

  • Clinicians

  • Psychologists and Psychotherapists

  • Social Workers

  • Doctors, Nurses and other Medical Personnel

  • Teachers

  • Life Coaches

  • Massage Therapists

  • Reiki Practitioners, Acupuncturists and other Energy Healers

  • Wellness and Fitness Coaches

  • People wishing to become a Conscious EFT™ Practitioner and Emotional Success Coach™

The CEC application for Discover the Power of Conscious Emotional Freedom Techniques™ Training has been evaluated: 24 CEC hour(s) was/were given for this event. Application download for credits available upon course registration.

See what Graduates have to say about DISCOVER

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the First Step in Taking EFT Training?

    The first step in learning EFT with NeftTI is the “Discover the Power” program. This program is a unique way of integrating the required intellectual knowledge with hands on, experiential and practical training in using EFT in your personal life and/or professional life.

  • What happens at the DISCOVER Live Retreat?

    Attendees are taught foundational EFT skills through instruction and demonstration. Then they are supported to practice the skills as practitioner and client in practice sessions while receiving personal feedback from the trainer and emotional assistants. These activities take place in an environment of respect and acceptance.

  • What are the prerequisites for the DISCOVER Program?

    There are no academic or experiential prerequisites for the DISCOVER the POWER Program. However, it is important to know that this training is experiential as well as academic. Potential attendees need to assess their readiness for an experiential program that targets emotions and their underlying energetic disturbances. If there is doubt, attendees are encouraged to consult their medical and mental health professionals as well as to connect with the NeftTI trainer.

    The DISCOVER the POWER program is best suited to people currently in the human services clinical or coaching professions or who are interested in the possibility of entering those fields as a transformational therapist/coach specializing in Conscious EFT

    Lay people are welcome to attend DISCOVER with the understanding that DISCOVER is taught within a framework of personal AND professional growth.

  • How does DISCOVER compare to founder Gary Craig's Gold Standard EFT or to what is called Level 1 and 2 EFT?

    The DISCOVER the POWER program incorporates Gary Craig’s GOLD STANDARD EFT and Levels 1 and 2. Conscious EFT trainer Nancy Forrester taught Levels 1 and 2 for many years before finally developing the more integrated approach of Conscious EFT. DISCOVER goes beyond these traditional curricula to teach how to practice EFT within a framework that incorporates the latest understandings of trauma, systems, neuroscience, and research-supported Energy Psychology.

  • Will I receive certification as a DISCOVER participant?

    Participants who successfully complete the 6 hours of DISCOVER pre training and the 18 hours of live retreat receive a Certificate of Completion of DISCOVER the POWER of CONSCIOUS EFT™ from NeftTi. However, this is NOT certification as a Conscious EFT™ Practitioner. Completion of this DISCOVER training does not indicate a statement of competency from the trainer. Complete information about the path to becoming a certified Conscious EFT™ Practitioner and certified Emotional Success Coach™ status with NeftTI can be found here:

    DISCOVER graduates who are members of Ontario’s Regulated Health Colleges (or out of country/province equivalents) are encouraged to integrate Conscious EFT™ into their toolboxes.

    Others are encouraged to use Conscious EFT™ for their personal healing and growth but will need further study and training in the safe, ethical and effective use of Conscious EFT transformational coaching with clients. The HARNESS the POWER of Conscious EFT Certification program would be their next step. View NeftTi's Certification Path here:

A powerful modality for your professional practice

Specially designed for individuals who are powerfully called to learn the most evolutionary practices that support human healing and growth.

Join our community of consciously driven human service providers as we work together to transform our world into one of love and acceptance for all.



With Love,

Discover your potential, starting today

Payments for DISCOVER are non-refundable, however up until 2 weeks prior to the Live Retreat they can be credited toward the current cost of an upcoming training offered by NeftTi. 

All NeftTi Certified Conscious EFT™ Practitioners and certified Emotional Success Coaches(tm) are subject to our  Code of Conduct and Ethics